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Jules Bombaron

Welcome to my portfolio !

I am a composer, sound designer and audio engineer looking for work in the video game industry, as a freelance artist or else, depending on the offer.


After 8 years of drum lessons, 3 years of piano lessons, and self-teaching guitar and bass, I started writing alternative rock music at the age of 14. Even though these songs couldn't be properly recorded back then, I familiarized with composition and trained myself to create. At now 25 years old, I'm comfortable with the exercice and sometimes feel like music comes to me naturally.


After graduating from ISTS (Paris, France) in 2021, majoring in music production, I kept working on personal projects in parallel with my audio engineering work at Studio LOAD (Paris, France), the first of which (Long Winter) came out in june of 2022. Most of the feedback I got from it was that it sounded like video game music. Even though the resemblance was not intentional, it's explained by my love for videos games and their music. I also learned about interactive music and implementation at ISTS, adding to the knowledge I already had from playing games over the years.


I then started composing for video games with Séance, a game made by senior students at Rubika (Valenciennes, France), from which the music was considered one of the best parts. I also started participating in game jams in may of 2023, the first being Game Jam 20 hosted by Game Dev Party. I got to train myself in sound design as well during these, something that I now really enjoy too.


Merci pour votre envoi !

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